Chronic Costochondritis is what my last trip to Urgent Care on August 15th left me diagnosed with. It might sound scary but compared to the fact that we thought I was trying to have a heart attack... I'll take it!!
Off and on for the last four months or more I've been getting mild chest pains whenever I get really stressed out. After my adrenalectomy I was told that large amounts of stress were a no-no because my body could no longer produce the adrenaline needed to help my heart deal with it. So since then I've honestly been worried about having a heart attack because I KNEW the stress wasn't going to go anywhere! LOL.
Fast forward to August 13th when I got really stressed out and pissed off at my teenagers thus causing my chest to explode in pain. I can honestly say I have never felt such horrid all consuming pain in my life. Natural childbirth again would have been more enticing! As you can see from the first link, costochondritis is not a surprise when you have fibromyalgia. Of course, it was a surprise to me because I had never heard of it before.
So I have yet another diagnosis, with more pain, that isn't going anywhere to add to the long list now. OY. Is it nap time yet?