Wednesday, March 23, 2005

They're Going To Film Our Story

I got a call from the kids' surgeon asking how we were and if there were any questions I might have before the surgery. I told him "no" and that we were pretty well covered. So then he asked ME a question. He was approached by some high ups at the hospital and asked if he had any rare or unusual cases. He immediately thought of us. The hospital is interested in learning more about our story/MEN2a.

They are going to film us starting the morning of the surgery with an interview with Sis before she has her surgery. Then they will film some of the surgery from inside the operating room, interview Big B (if he lets them. He has told me he wants nothing to do with any of this. :( ), and then interview me while the surgeries are going on. Then they will talk about MEN2a some more and view the kids after the surgeries.

The girl, Samantha, said she is going mostly for video footage because she thinks it would make much more of an impact seeing real people and how it affects them.

I'm not sure if this is going to be on local news in Atlanta or used for footage in a medical show but either way it's exciting to me because we will be getting the word out about this. I'm personally so excited because if seeing this gets even just ONE person to get checked and saves one person from having to go through the hell we have the last 6 months then I will have done what I feel is my job.

Honestly, I could care less about being on tv or news or anything else. Heck, I've already been on the news three times so pppfffffttttt on that. Anyway- I just care that my family is going to be able to spread the word about this. This is so exciting and I really feel like we can make a difference!!

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